Life on Pine

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memorial monday

lets just say my memorial day was a little different than it was last year. our day started with breakfast at atlas cafe, a cute little joint i've passed a million times, but never stopped inside. boy do they have tasty bagels. after breakfast we picked up some funky pasta down the street at salumeria {one of my favorite spots in sf} followed by much needed yttp


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^^early arrival = front row window seats luckily karl was in the city for the day so we were able to spend the rest of our afternoon relaxing indoors, guilt free. {living in sf you often feel forced to have the best time ever if it is sunny out. *sigh*}. we later whipped up our pasta and mixed in some ground lamb from another favorite spot, fatted calf. this turned out to be an epic meal and even better left overs! as JC would call it, zero franc lunch. bon appetit!

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