Life on Pine

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seafood sunday

some of you may not know that i've stopped drinking coffee –– this might come as a shock to those who know me as the iced coffee drinking freak i used to be. it has been a sad, but awesome transition all at once. it does make it hard when we go to places like front cafe, though, who don't serve tea {also seen here}. luckily they serve ham stuffed pastries {they must know the way to my heart!}

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that night we whipped up almond crusted halibut paired with our fancy pasta and a random but awesome caprese salad. in an effort to watch more things that help my brain rather than trash it {hello, kim kardashian} we watched samsara and i highly recommend everyone watch it tonight. it is basically 2 hours of "wow! whoa! what the hell! holy smokes!" enjoy and bon appetit.

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