Life on Pine

Big Sur

the perfect roadtrip: from san francisco to los angeles

Kate ParrishComment

Last week we drove down south to visit family in Long Beach and friends in LA. The flight is so easy, but something about driving sounded less stressful and more fun. I highly recommend this drive to anyone – and you can make it as long or as short as you want [the full drive is about 6-7 hours if you do it in one day]. We did it in two days, but stretching out over 4 or 5 would be perfect if you have the time.

Here's our idea of the perfect road trip:

San Francisco >> Pescadero [1 hour]



Pescadero >>  Big Sur [2 hours, 45 minutes]

Eat & Drink:

  • Big Sur Bakery is an absolute must for any and all meals. We've been for breakfast, lunch and dinner and all are simply perfect. 
  • Glen Oak's Roadhouse: drinks and bites
  • Nepenthe: perched cliffside this spot offers delicious food and insanely breathtaking views



  • Henry Miller Library: often offering live music most nights in a cozy intimate setting
  • Esalen institute: snag one of their coveted public passes that offers middle of the night nude hotsprings
  • Hike: there are so many wonderful hikes that can be found here


Big Sur >> Cayucos & SLO [2 hours, 45 minutes]

  • Stop to see the elephant seals – there are hundreds... thousands! of resting massive elephant seals on this beach in San Simeon. 
  • Get lunch in Cayucos at the Smokehouse – the best smoked fish tacos i've ever had!
  • If you need some energy, stop for Scout Coffee in San Louis Obispo


Cayucos >> Santa Barbara [2 hours]


Santa Barbara >> LA [final leg! 2 hours]

Whew! So much goodness packed into such a quick few days. I will be sharing photos/stories from our time in LA in my next post. Happy Thursday!




travel inspiration: treebones resort in big sur

Kate Parrish1 Comment

i don't want to say i'm on a glamping kick but i kind of am. we had such lovely experiences at both yellowstone under canvas and el cosmico that i now feel like i need to visit each and every one of vogue's recommendations.

next on my list – treebones *pictured above* , this spot has been on my radar for a while now. it's one of those book a year in advance type of places, which makes it hard to visit on a moments notice. i think it's time for me to pick a random date and make this beautiful dream become a reality. images and more information about treebones via spottedsf