Life on Pine

Home Cooking

gameday bourbon slush

Kate ParrishComment

**all images are via smitten kitchen – for full recipe, go here

saturday – i'm seriously SO happy it's you. we're headed to the UT vs. Baylor game, and with the 60 degree weather and sunshine, i think it's going to be very pleasant because honestly i'm really just there for the tailgate. this cocktail will go perfectly with our breakfast tacos ...

bon appetit {vegetarian}

Kate ParrishComment

we were on a strong stint of bbq and schnitzels and all kinds of meat lately and felt we were in need for a vegetarian dinner. this month's issue of bon appétit  had so many delicious looking options i struggled to choose, and finally ended up making skillet bruschettaartichokes, and roasted carrots {i added a sprinkle of dill on these for a little added flavor}. was so thrilled with how this meal turned out, and it was mega easy. enjoy! 

images 1 & 2 via

bon appétit magazine. mine were not as pretty. 

chilly chili

Kate ParrishComment

this week austin shut down because of the below. we're a bunch of snow and ice wimps around here. i took the opportunity to embrace the "snow day" by whipping out my crock pot and making white bean chili. this stuff is healthy, delicious, and makes your house smell like you've been slaving all day. when really you've been ... not .. doing that. i also tried a new banana bread recipe {i was turning into a one trick pony with this one. don't get me wrong, it is also a winner.} both turned out to be the perfect thing for a warm cozy night in.

^^ my first time to sub coconut oil for butter. i swear to you, it is SO much better. 

^^ the crumble topping makes this healthy bread taste a little more like dessert. mmmm

^^ chili should always be accompanied by a little corn bread muffin. 

** my only edits to the recipe were adding blue berries to the bread, and cutting the chili recipe in half if you're only dining for 2. happy sunday !

texas christmas

Kate ParrishComment

this year we celebrated christmas with a lot of people – it was loving and exhausting all at once {no offense, fam}. things started in texas with a dirty santa party in houston at my aunt's. we came home the proud owners of a cactus and a tequila bottle. hello !

the day following we had a pretend christmas in austin that consisted of fondue, wine, doggies, naps, baking, wine, more fondue, and a gift exchange. we were so full and happy ours heads almost exploded. so thankful to have so many loved ones around this time of year !

^^ cheese fondue, i've missed you! it has been ages. this stuff is like heaven in a bowl – and being that jc is swiss, we had some super authentic stuff going on. the cheese was flown into central market that week from his home town in switzerland. ** note, you might want to just mentally prepare that you will feel like you've eaten a bowling ball for lunch. 

^^ this thing is the perfect combo of pecan and pumpkin pie. people will like you more if you make it for them. 

beetnik burgers

Kate ParrishComment

for a while now i've been dying to try my dear friend's products from beetnik foods. rooted in my home town {austin} this small team grows, prepares, and delivers wholesome and natural foods across the country. hello texas treats!  finally– i was able to try it with a shipment filled with all kinds of stuff. at first i thought to myself – "how will this work? what will it look like? what will i do with it? i'm scared." i mean, i've never ordered food like this before... what a wuss.

insert no need to be scared. when my order arrived, i was amazed by the simplicity of it all. a beautiful little cooler full of frozen grass-fed awesomeness showed up right on my doorstep {apartment.. step}, ready to cook or save for later.

^^ that packaging! who wouldn't be stoked on this delivery all the way from tejas? 

^^ our inaugural tasting was obviously the burgers on the fourth {the tahoe grocery store was sold out of buns, of course} ... they were so delicious, i highly recommend you hop on their site and place an order. i cannot wait for our tasting round two: pasta, steak, and sweet potatoes. coming soon.