Life on Pine

Martha and JC


Kate ParrishComment

my friends and family are the literally the best coolest ever – thursday night kp took me to dinner at le noir under the impression it would be the two of us and my sis to celebrate my birth. when we arrived i was surprised by some of my bestest besties circled around the cutest little birthday table and could not have been more excited to spend the evening with them. we cozied up under the tent away from the rain and i wish i could play that night on repeat ...

^^ afterwards we went to garage for champagne and continued festivities ... a massive thank you to my amazing sis {i heart you! } for planning this shindig, and to all of you who made the time to come celebrate with me – i will remember it forever 

texas christmas

Kate ParrishComment

this year we celebrated christmas with a lot of people – it was loving and exhausting all at once {no offense, fam}. things started in texas with a dirty santa party in houston at my aunt's. we came home the proud owners of a cactus and a tequila bottle. hello !

the day following we had a pretend christmas in austin that consisted of fondue, wine, doggies, naps, baking, wine, more fondue, and a gift exchange. we were so full and happy ours heads almost exploded. so thankful to have so many loved ones around this time of year !

^^ cheese fondue, i've missed you! it has been ages. this stuff is like heaven in a bowl – and being that jc is swiss, we had some super authentic stuff going on. the cheese was flown into central market that week from his home town in switzerland. ** note, you might want to just mentally prepare that you will feel like you've eaten a bowling ball for lunch. 

^^ this thing is the perfect combo of pecan and pumpkin pie. people will like you more if you make it for them.