Life on Pine

Seafood Sunday

seafood sunday and grammys

Kate ParrishComment

our sf seafood sunday tradition kind of fell off the map with our move – however we're really fighting to bring it back. our day was spend enjoying the warm weather, stopping for lunch at cenote cafe, coffee on the patio at brew and brew, and later going for an evening canoe. afterwards we whipped up some fancy fish sticks and got cozy on the sofa to watch the grammys. 

^^ an obvious photo op 

seafood sunday

Kate ParrishComment

last week we reverted back to one of the OG seafood sunday meals – ahi tacos. i've missed these little suckers, something about the mango and avacado {and the in-season heirloom tomatoes, for that matter} just give it such a summery taste. earlier that day we took lindz around the city to some of our favorite spots: flour and cosalumeria, the biergartenvoyager, and welcome stranger. sometimes it is just nice to wander the city with no real plans.

^^ the rest of our night was spent playing cards and enjoying a duralog on the chilly sf night. 

^^ PS you should probably try these ice cream sandwiches asap

hope everyone had a great weekend – happy monday!

seafood sunday

Kate ParrishComment

a few weeks back we had an epic seafood sunday that somehow fell of the map, but shall not be forgotten –adult fish sticks– how have we not thought to make you before? the day started with some time at plant warehouse. kp has completely fallen off the plant deep end, we're really worried about him.

^^ they treat their customers well. wine and cheese and snacks? hello!  also, he puts the seatbelt around his plants. he's never once done this for me. not once. 

^^ later that day we migrated slightly north for some sunshine,frescobol, and picnicing at cavallo point. i always forget how fun this place is – and boy do they have good rosé. look! even jake is drinking it. 

^^ inspired by our picnic reading material, bon appetit mag, we closed out the night with an epic meal full of nostalgia. i highly recommend this tasty summer recipe! cheers. 

{sleepy} seafood sunday

Kate ParrishComment

most weekends i get so excited to have two days off that i usually pack them full of exploring and bike riding and hiking and eating. this is usually awesome, but sometimes a girl just needs a lazy day – am i right?

some highlights include: {fancy} grilled cheese and tomato soup to accompany the gloomy weather, an amazing documentary that i've finally checked of my list:

180 degrees south {um can we go backpackingagain, please?}, two naps {two!!!}, and fire escape grilling for a healthy seafood sunday dinner:lime cilantro halibut and roasted broccoli

^^ our new favorite, fire escape grilling!

^^ foster pup helpers 

voala!  cheers and bon appetit

seafood sunday

Kate ParrishComment

some of you may not know that i've stopped drinking coffee –– this might come as a shock to those who know me as the iced coffee drinking freak i used to be. it has been a sad, but awesome transition all at once. it does make it hard when we go to places like front cafe, though, who don't serve tea {also seen here}. luckily they serve ham stuffed pastries {they must know the way to my heart!}

that night we whipped up almond crusted halibut paired with our fancy pasta and a random but awesome caprese salad. in an effort to watch more things that help my brain rather than trash it {hello, kim kardashian} we watched samsara and i highly recommend everyone watch it tonight. it is basically 2 hours of "wow! whoa! what the hell! holy smokes!" enjoy and bon appetit.