Life on Pine

bachelorette weekend in islamorada, florida

Kate ParrishComment

my dear friend elizabeth's birthday/bachelorette party came and went much too quickly. last weekend a group of 7 chicks all met up in the bottom tip of florida in the beautiful village of islamorada. i already want to go back! arriving at the crack of dawn on friday morning we chugged coffee and loaded up our bachelorette mobile to drive two hours south of ft. lauderdale. 

the weekend was perfect for so many reasons. some of which include:  old photos – everywhere, gorgeous weather, an insanely beautiful place to call home [thank you x 1 million billion, teena & bill], a pool stacked with floaties & endless rosé, beach photos @ the mooringswaterfront dinners, ridiculous straws paired with hot pink cups, pin the **** on the ****, hilarious gifts, the best question games, biking everywhere, tiki bars, so much laughing and even more loving. thank you to the best bride ever for hosting us. it was such a fun girls getaway that i'll never forget.