Life on Pine


seafood sunday

Kate ParrishComment

some of you may not know that i've stopped drinking coffee –– this might come as a shock to those who know me as the iced coffee drinking freak i used to be. it has been a sad, but awesome transition all at once. it does make it hard when we go to places like front cafe, though, who don't serve tea {also seen here}. luckily they serve ham stuffed pastries {they must know the way to my heart!}

that night we whipped up almond crusted halibut paired with our fancy pasta and a random but awesome caprese salad. in an effort to watch more things that help my brain rather than trash it {hello, kim kardashian} we watched samsara and i highly recommend everyone watch it tonight. it is basically 2 hours of "wow! whoa! what the hell! holy smokes!" enjoy and bon appetit.

pumkin picking

Kate ParrishComment

obviously my favorite day of the year. {well, at least top 10}. on saturday morning we packed the car and headed to half moon bay for pumpkins. first, we stopped for coffee at hookers and enjoyed a cute little breakfast at blue sky farms. this place is part nursery, part landscape design, and part cafe. and they do it all to perfection.

post pumpkins we went further south to pescadero. our time here was spent wandering the town and stocking up on fresh berries, local honey, and the-best-bread-known-to-man. not kidding. and we obviously couldn't leave without a trip to pie ranch. after our mid day piece a pie, we explored the ranch -- and may even be back one day to volunteer and attend the barn dance? who knows.

happy birthday! later that night we went to magnolia in the haight to celebrate jake's birthday. this place has such a fun atmosphere, great beer, amazing food, and just all around my kinda vibes. we'll definitely be back. what a day.