Life on Pine


hardly strictly bluegrass festival

Kate ParrishComment

hardly strictly is an annual bluegrass festival that is completely free thanks to yours truly, warren hellman {thanks warren!!}– and while it does gets freakishly crowded, there is something fun about gathering with 90% of sf in golden gate park to hear some tunes. especially on one of the warmest days of the year {coincidence?}

pre-concert was spent in the haight having beers at magnolia. post-concert was spent on fillmore enjoying the weather on delfina's parklet, dessert at fraiche {it's pumpkin yogurt season folks what's up!}, and finally gravity 3d at kabuki. twas a long, awesome day.

try it tuesday & the fox in oakland

Kate ParrishComment

try it tuesday is alive! we've been so all over the place lately that we postponed it for a bit. happy to have our little routine back in action. this week, we coupled TiT with a concert at the fox in oakland.

it is quite amazing how close oakland really is. i mean, two bart stops? we really should come explore more often. our night started with dinner at hopscotch, which i read about on eater sf. we sat at the bar and enjoyed unique cocktails and a very tasty dinner. drinks at make westing followed, and the rest of our night was spent jammin out with the alabama shakes. cheers!

the nutcracker

Kate ParrishComment

one of my little christmas surprises this year was tickets to the nutcracker. i was so excited i could barely stand it. we quickly rushed home from work and had a local dinner at sweet woodruff. they've changed the menu a bit and the dinner selection is getting even better. and they finally have wine!

we hurried over to the opera house where their was fake snow and the most cozy christmas atmosphere. we had so much fun dressing up and finally seeing one of sf's most famous buildings.

pena pachamama

Kate ParrishComment

friday night was rainy -- which we were obviously stoked about (we get it, never ending indian summer). to welcome jacqueline home {yay!} we went to dinner at pena pachamama. this cozy little place was just how i hoped it would be. the scene was intimate, the food was uh-mazing, and the live music rivaled our favorite - rodrigo + gabriella. i highly recommend this place to anyone passing through north beach! bon appetit.