Life on Pine


trois familia: french & mexican heaven

Kate ParrishComment

ah, trois familia. i'm still thinking about you. this french + mexican brunch spot in silver lake is something i will crave on a weekly basis. just writing this post was hard for me, knowing i can't get those potato tacos again unless i go all the way to LA. reviewers were actually pretty spot on when calling this spot "high end hangover food" – yet i didn't leave with that gross "i ate too much" feeling. we spent our final morning in LA at these white picnic tables, trying what felt like the entire menu. what you'll see in the photos below:

– avocado toast [mashed with banana and served on warm homemade bread]
– hash brown chilaquiles
– potato tacos [my favorite]
– chicken milanesa
– churro french toast [dear god]
– galette crepe
– avocado citrus salad

the best part for me? aside from the chicken, everything we ordered was vegetarian friendly. next time i would love to try the beet tartare and the grits. be prepared to wait for a seat, but i promise you it will all be worth it. bon appétit! 

an afternoon in oakland

Kate ParrishComment

oakland is to sf as brooklyn is to nyc? i was always good at analogies. kind of. anyway, saturday was spent doing some more exploring across the bay bridge at places like OSClinden brewery, and an amazing little pizza joint boot and shoe. it was a beautiful day to just walk around, buy some open air plants, and drink beer.

^^ these two mega babes got to be male models for the day. later that night jake and dad made everyone a delicious home cooked meal using the fire escape grill and a great recipe from men's magazine. we took our full-of-bison-bellies and spent our night drinking whisky at nihon, and listening to some live music at royal cuckoo. a great little saturday – cheers!

sunny saturday

Kate ParrishComment

saturday morning started with a stroll down to the ferry building with some ladies to watch prep for sf's world naked bike ride. we parked up in the grass and laughed at all of the unique participants, and developed an even stronger love for this city.

that evening we went to orbit room cafe. i feel like this could become more frequent for us, the pizza and unique cocktails were right up our alley. the rest of our night was spent with drinks and pool sharking at churchill, followed by impromptu bluegrass at cafe du nord. and maybe a bob's donut night cap.


Kate ParrishComment


there was a weekend full of food and rain a few weeks back. kinda starting to become a tradition? we had a sister in town and a birthday boy, so we were able to justify two nights at snazzy little spots. friday we went to lolinda -- a new argentinian restaurant in the mission. it really reminded us of something that would be in new york because of its huge, yet intimate feel. we had a great time trying many dishes, cocktails, and of course ending with three desserts. bon appetit!

a few days off ...

Kate ParrishComment
GQP was nice enough to give us the week off between Christmas and New Years, giving me a few days to enjoy SF with no stress ! Thursday was mellow with a failed trip to Swan Island Oyster Depot -- this spot is always packed, and even in the middle of a Thursday we couldn't get in. We turned things around that night with dinner and drinks at Leopolds on Polk, which did not disappoint with schnitzel and franziskaner.