Life on Pine


Kate ParrishComment

Friday night was rainy. Really rainy. Saturday was christmas-present-day. We had our usual favorite for breakfast, Farm:Table, followed by a trip to Heritage Salvage in Peteluma to get wood for Merriment Hardware. The sun magically came out for an afternoon at Scribe Winery -- words can't really explain what a memorable time we had here. We drank up an appetite and went for lunch at Fremont Diner in Sonoma (another insanely delicious place that words can not explain). Later, we went to our home for the night (thank you airbnb) in Muir Woods which was simply perfect. So many days spent in Muir Woods... but never nights... it was a delight to have dinner at Pelican Inn, sleep with the rain, the mountains, and cook my (in)famous Huevos Rancheros.

A perfect present and bay area staycation!