Life on Pine

the best gin and tonic you'll ever have at coqueta sf

Kate ParrishComment

a sad day has finally come. AL and i no longer work together (!!!!) you can imagine my despair. being so – we’ve established a goal to meet up for happy hour on the weekly. it will likely cause us to go into debt, but that’s a risk i’m willing to take. the inaugural kh + al meet up was at coqueta. i just had to taste that gin cocktail again – it’s literally the best drink you’ll ever have and you can quote me on that. if you're willing to wait 30+ minutes and stalk people for their seats, then this place might be one of your new favorites. 

we shared delicious bites and caught up for hours. afterwards we took a romantic stroll along the pier to gaze at the bay bridge light show. a perfect little hump day.