Life on Pine

oakland & pulled pork

Kate ParrishComment

i feel guilty every time i look at my crock pot. it has been ages since i've used it. like... since this day? sad. as a result, i woke up saturday and threw my picnic pork shoulder into the pot with fatted calf's special bbq sauce {made w/ blue bottle coffee!}, a beer, and an onion. pretty darn simple. i turned that puppy on low, and said 'sayonara, pork'.

before heading to oakland for hiking and exploring, we had breakfast at the village market. annnnd i'm obsessed. it is this little frenchie european gem and i had the best.french.toast.ever. i'm not kidding. everyone go there stat.

next we popped over the bay bridge for our  hike , which turned out to be awesome and pretty frickin hard – my butt cheeks are killing. i had no idea the east bay had such beautiful views. that's what i get for always going north...

temescal alley followed, we've been wanting to check this out for a while now after reading about it in so many magazines/blogs. it was really fun to walk around and explore – even though it was a tad over hyped. we made one last stop at oakland surf club and  the forge for pizza and beers on the water. i highly recommend for anyone heading to oakland any time soon...

the sunny day turned into a rainy night. we enjoyed the delicious pulled pork, sipped specialty cocktails made by kp, and later had a fun night out with the commune on polk street, with a bob's night cap of course.